While a few Chiropractic adjustments can greatly improve the health and wellness in all patients, the most effective Chiropractic Care is regular and long-term. In the interest of making such long-term balance and wellness available to all, Adjust Me offers very affordable prices and packages – without an appointment.
Single Visit
No appointment required
Pay per usage
Multi-visit packages available
No contract necessary
Monthly Participants
No appointment required
Receive up to 4 adjustments each month (exp. in 30 days)
Additional visits are only $20 per visit
Month-to-month agreement required
Child Monthly Participants
No appointment required
Receive up to 4 adjustments each month (exp in 30 days)
Birth to 15 years old
Additional Visits are only $7 per visit
Month-to-Month Agreement required
Adjustments | Your Cost | Savings | Regular Price |
5 | $175 | $55 | $225 |
10 | $310 | $140 | $450 |
15 | $420 | $255 | $675 |
20 | $500 | $400 | $900 |
(Split with immediate household family members only*)